Product Categories

The Product Categories Element will allow you to showcase your categories in a display where you can easily style and customize their appearance. 

Content Tab 


  1. Columns - Set the number of columns you want your categories to display
  2. Carousel - Choose to display your categories in a carousel 
  3. Layout - Choose a layout to either be Grid, Masonry, or Metro 
  4. Image Size - Set an image size for the categories 
  5. Image Ratio - Set an image ratio for the categories 
  6. Title - Choose to either display the title of the category or not 
  7. HTML Tag - Set an HTML tag for the title of the category  
  8. Count - Switch the handle on to show the court of your categories 
  9. Meta Type - Decide to show the Meta either Inside or Outside 


  1. Source - Select the source from where the element will extract content either Show All or Manual Selection
  2. Hide Empty - Switch the handle on to hide categories with no product in them 
  3. Order By - Order your categories either by Name, Slug, Description, or Count 
  4. Order - Choose to show your categories in either ascending or descending order 

Style Tab 


  1. Columns Gap - Set the gap between the columns 
  2. Row Gap - Set the gap between the rows 
  3. Initial Animation - Choose an animation for your categories from the dropdown menu and also tweak the respective setting 
  4. Alignment - Align your categories either Left, Center, or Right 
  5. Offset - Use this option to skip categories 


  1. Border Width - Set a width for the border of the categories 
  2. Border Radius - Set the border-radius values to make the edges of the box rounder 
  3. Padding - Add padding values around the box 
  4. Content Padding - Add padding values around the content of the box 

Normal | Hover

  1. Box Shadow - Choose to add a shadow around the box 
  2. Background Color - Set a background color for the box 
  3. Border Color - Set a color for the border 


  1. Border Radius - Set the border-radius to make your images rounder 
  2. Spacing - Set the spacing between the image and the category 

Normal | Hover

  1. CSS Filters - Play around with the CSS filters to edit the images 
  2. Animation - Set an animation for the image that is being hovered 



  1. Color - Set a color for the title 
  2. Typography - Tweak the typography options for the title 


  1. Color - Set a color for the count 
  2. Typography - Tweak the typography options for the count 
  3. Spacing - Set the spacing between the count and the categories 

Set the settings for the Advanced Tab that is appropriate for the element.   

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