Right Click Controls

To help you ease the working process and provide a seamless workflow while editing and designing your website, you can use the right-click control to open the main settings of a page, section, column, or element. Simply right-click on their handle and a set of options will be provided. 


When you right-click on a page, section, column, or element you will be able to copy and paste elements, styles, or between pages. Let's see how you can apply each. 

Copy/Paste Elements - Using the right-click control you can easily copy a section, column, or element and paste it anywhere on the page. Use this trick to easily create coherent designs throughout all your pages. 

Pro Tip: You can use the keyboard shortcut CTRL/CMD + C, and then CTRL/CMD + V, to copy and paste elements. 

Copy/Paste Styles - Using the right-click control you will be able to easily copy the style of a section, column, or element and paste it into another section, column, or element. All you need to do then is change the content and you'll be done. 

Pro TIp: You can use the keyboard shortcut SHIFT + CTRL/CMD + C, and then SHIFT + CTRL/CMD + V, to copy and paste styles only. 

Copy/Paste between Pages - Both the Copy/Paste the section, column, or element and Copy/Paste styles will work across other pages as well. You can easily copy an element and paste it into a different page. 

Reset Style - If you wish to strip down a section, column, or element from its styling and set it back to the default styling settings, simply right-click on the respective handle and choose Reset Style. 

Right Click - Page Level 

If you right-click anywhere on the drop area of the editor you will have the options to 

Copy All Content - You can copy the content of the entire page and paste it into a different one

Delete All Content - With this option you can delete the entire content of a page. 

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