Product Add to Cart Element

To display the Add to Cart button and have your visitors one step further to make a purchase and help them choose different products and decide among them you can do that if you drag the Add to Cart Element and start customizing its design. 

Style Tab 

  1. Button 
  2. Typography - Tweak the typography options for the button 
  3. Text Shadow - Add a shadow for the add to cart text 
  4. Text Color - Set the color for the add to cart text 
  5. Background Color - Set the background color for the add to cart button 
  6. Border Type - Choose to add a border for the add to cart button 
  7. Border Radius - Add border-radius for the add to cart button
  8. Padding - Add padding values inside the add to cart button 

Choose either Hover or Normal state 

  1. Text Color - Choose a color for the add to cart text 
  2. Background Color - Choose a background color for the add to cart button 
  3. Border Color - Choose a color for the border color of the button 


  1. Spacing - Set the spacing between the add to cart button and the quantity 
  2. Border Type - Choose to add a border for the quantity 
  3. Border Radius - Add border-radius for the quantity 
  4. Padding - Add padding values inside the quantity button 

Choose either Hover or Normal state 

  1. Text Color - Choose a color for the quantity text 
  2. Background Color - Choose a background color for the quantity
  3. Border Color - Choose a color for the border color of the quantity 


  1. Width - Set the width of the variations 
  2. Spacing - Set the spacing between the variations and the add to cart button 
  3. Space between - Set the space between each variation 
  1. Color - Set the color for the label 
  2. Typography - Tweak the typography options for the label 
Select Field
  1. Color - Set the color for the select field of the variations 
  2. Background Color - Set the background color for the select field of the variations 
  3. Border Color - Set the border color for the select field of the variations 
  4. Typography - Tweak the typography options for the select field of the variations 
  5. Border Radius - Add border-radius around the edges of the select field border

Set the settings for the Advanced Tab that is appropriate for the element.  

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