Site Title Element

The Site Title Element will allow you to integrate your site's title onto the design you are working on. Although the site title can only be changed in WordPress Customizer, you can design it using the advanced tools and options available. 

Content Tab 


  1. Site Title - Here the title will be generated dynamically as it is set in the WordPress Customizer 
  2. Link - Here the URL of your site 
  3. Size - Set the size of the title either Small, Medium, Large, XL, or XXL 
  4. HTML tag - Set the HTML for the title 
  5. Alignment - Set the alignment for the title either Left, Center, Right, or Justify 

Style Tab 


  1. Text Color - Set the text color for title 
  2. Typography - Tweak the typography options for the title 
  3. Text Shadow - Add shadow to the title and tweak the options for the blur, horizontal or vertical position 
  4. Blend Mode - Add layer effect for the title and select one from the dropdown menu

Set the settings for the Advanced Tab that is appropriate for the element. 

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