Archive Posts Element

Whether you want to share your gallery, art, stories, or products the Archive Posts Element will allow you to show your posts in an archive page. Your users can filter through terms like Name, Author, Date, Category, Search results, recent posts, or any other taxonomy or tag. 


Content Tab 


  1. Skin - Choose a skin for your posts to either be Classic or Cards 
  2. Columns - Set the number of columns to be displayed from 1 to 6
  3. Image Position - Set the archive post's image position either Top, Left, Right, None
  4. Carousel - Set your archive posts in a carousel display 
  5. Layout - Set the layout for your posts to either be Grid, Masonry, or Metro 
  6. Image Size - Set the image size from thumbnail to full 
  7. Image Ratio - Set the ration for your archive post's image 
  8. Image Width - Set the exact width of the image 
  9. Title - Choose to either show or hide the title of the posts 
  10. HTML Tag - Set the HTML Tag for the title from H1 to H6 
  11. Excerpt - Choose to either show or hide the excerpt of the archive posts 
  12. Excerpt Length- Choose the length of the excerpt by setting the exact number of words to be displayed.
  13. Meta Data - Set the metadata that you want to be displayed. Click on the box to open the menu of options. You can choose to display the Author, Date, Time, or Comments. 
  14. Separator Between - Choose to display a separator between the metadata. 
  15. Read More - Choose to either show or hide the read more button 
  16. Read More Text - Customize the "Read More" text 


  1. Pagination - Choose from the options available to add pagination to your archive posts. You can choose either from Numbers, Show More, Previous/Next, and Numbers + Previous/Next 

If you choose  Numbers 

  1. Page Limit- Set the page limit in value to only show a certain amount of archive posts on the page
  2. Shorten - Choose to shorten the pagination row. It will show only the number of the first pages and the last one. 
  3. Alignment - Set the Alignment of the pagination either Left, Center, or Right 
  4. Spacing - Set the spacing between the archive posts and the pagination 

If you choose  Show More

  1. Show More Text - Type in your custom text to replace Show More or leave it as it is
  2. Alignment - Set the Alignment of the pagination either Left, Center, or Right 
  3. Spacing - Set the spacing between the posts and the pagination 

If you choose  Previous/Next

  1. Previous Label - Type in your custom Previous label 
  2. Next Label - Type in your custom Next label 
  3. Alignment - Set the Alignment of the pagination either Left, Center, or Right 
  4. Spacing - Set the spacing between the posts and the pagination 

If you choose  Numbers + Previous/Next 

  1. Page Limit - Set the page limit in value to only show a certain amount of archive posts on the page
  2. Shorten - Choose to shorten the pagination row. It will show only the number of the first pages and the last one. 
  3. Previous Label - Type in your custom Previous label 
  4. Next Label - Type in your custom Next label 
  5. Alignment - Set the Alignment of the pagination either Left, Center, or Right 
  6. Spacing - Set the spacing between the posts and the pagination 


  1. Filters - Choose to either show or hide the filters. 
  2. Taxonomy - Choose the taxonomy for your filters either Categories, Tags, Portfolio Categories, or Portfolio Tags
  3. Filter All - Choose to either show or hide the filter all taxonomy 
  4. String - If you choose to show the All categories, you can customize the text. 


  1. Nothing found here message - Type here your custom text to show your users when there is no data to be shown for the inquiry 

Style Tab 


  1. Columns Gap - Set the gap between the columns 
  2. Row Gap - Set the gap between the rows 
  3. Initial Animation - Set an entrance animation for your archive posts 
  4. Alignment - Set the alignment of your archive posts to either be Left, Center, or Right 


  1. Border Width - Set the border width for the archive posts' box
  2. Border Radius - Set the border radius for the archive posts' box
  3. Padding - Set the padding within the archive posts' box
  4. Content Padding - You can add additional padding around the content of the archive posts' box 
  5. Box Shadow - Choose to add a shadow around the archive posts' box 
  6. Background Color - Choose to add a background color for the archive  posts' box
  7. Border Color - Select the border color of the archive posts' box 


  1. Border Radius - Choose to add border-radius around the archive posts' images 
  2. Spacing - Add spacing between the image and the content 
  3. CSS Filters - Add filters to the archive posts' image 
  4. Size - Set the exact size of the archive posts' image. Note: This option will work on Cards Type. 



  1. Color - Set the color of the archive posts' title 
  2. Typography - Tweak the typography options for the archive posts' title
  3. Spacing - Set the spacing between the title and the content 


  1. Color - Set the color of the meta 
  2. Separator Color - Set the color of the metadata separator 
  3. Typography - Tweak the typography options for the metadata 
  4. Spacing - Set the spacing between the meta and the excerpt 


  1. Color - Set the color of the excerpt
  2. Typography - Tweak the typography options for the excerpt
  3. Spacing - Set the spacing between the excerpt and the read more button

Read More Button 

  1. Color - Set the color for the read more button 
  2. Typography - Tweak the typography options for the read more button text 
  3. Spacing - Set the spacing between the read more button and pagination 


Choose Normal or Hover

  1. Typography - Tweak the typography options for the pagination text 
  2. Pointer - Choose to add a pointer for the pagination select one from Underline, Strikethrough, or Diagonal 
  3. Text Color - Set the text color for the pagination 
  4. Background Color - Set the background color of the pagination 
  5. Label Color - Set the color for the pagination label 
  6. Border Radius - Add border-radius to the pagination 
  7. Space Between - Set the space between the pagination's elements 
  8. Padding - Set the padding values for the pagination 

Content Order

Switch the handle on to allow custom content ordering. You can drag and drop the components that your archive posts element comprises to rearrange the layout with ease. Choose what components go first and what components go last with a simple drag&drop interface. 

Nothing Found Here Message 

  1. Color - Set the color for the message 
  2. Typography - Tweak the typography options for the message

Set the settings for the Advanced Tab that is appropriate for the element. 

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