Post Info Element

The Post Info Element will provide valuable information about the post. You can add the post's metadata information like the author, time, date, comments, categories, or reading time. The Post Info is a Theme Element and is available under the Single Post Template that generates content dynamically. 

Content Tab 

Post Info

You can add the Author, Date, Time, Comments, Categories, or Reading Time by simply clicking on the Add Item button, or you can duplicate an item by clicking on the [duplicate icon] 


Choose the layout to either be Default or Inline.

Each type will contain its settings to configure. Click on the tab to open the settings. 

  1. Type - Choose the type of the metadata to display, you can select either Author, Date, Time, Comments, Term, or Reading Time
  2. Before - Add a text before the metadata 
  3. Avatar - Choose to either show or hide the author's image 
  4. Link - Choose to have the metadata linked to your archive page 
  5. Icon - Choose to display an icon before the metadata. You can select either None, Default, or Custom. If you choose Custom you can upload your own icon. 

Style Tab 


  1. Space Between - Set the space between the metadata 
  2. Alignment - Position your metadata either Left, Center. or Right 
  3. Divider - Choose to display a divider between each metadata 
  4. Style - Choose a style for your divider either Solid, Double, Dotted or Dashed 
  5. Weight - Control the thickness of the divider 
  6. Height - Set the height of the divider 
  7. Color - Set a color for the divider 


  1. Color - Choose a color for the icon 
  2. Size - Set a size for the icon 


  1. Indent - Set the space between the icon and the metadata 
  2. Text Color - Choose a color for the metadata text 
  3. Typography - Tweak the typography for the metadata text  

Set the settings for the Advanced Tab that is appropriate for the element. 

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