Share Buttons Element

The Share Button Element will help you increase interactive communication from social networks. That is why we have made the share buttons to be so flexible and easy to use. The options are numerous starting from skin selection where you have alternatives like Minimal, Framed, Boxed icon, Flat, Gradient. You can decide to show text, icon, or even both. Change the color and typography of each button to give it a piece of our style. 

Content Tab 

Share Buttons

You can add one or more social share buttons by simply click on the Add Item icon. Click on the social network to open options. Under the Network option, choose your preferred social media you wish to include, and under the Custom option, type in the name of the social media if you wish for it to be other than the official name. 

  1. Style - Select the style for your social media, You can choose to show Icon&Text, Icon, or Text 
  2. Label - Choose to show or hide the label 
  3. Skin -  Select the skin style for your social media icons. You can choose from Gradient, Minimal, Framed, Boxed, or Flat. 
  4. Shape - Choose a shape for the social network buttons. It can either be Square, Rounded, or Circle 
  5. Columns - Choose the number of socials buttons to show per row. If you choose Auto you can align them either Left, Center, Right, or Justify 

Style Tab 

Share Buttons

  1. Columns Gap - Set the space between each button's column 
  2. Row Gap - Set the space between each button's row 
  3. Icon Size - Set the size of the social buttons icons 
  4. Button Height - Set the height for the social buttons 
  5. Color - Choose to leave the official colors or make the custom. If you choose Custom you can set the primary color which is the background color of the button and the secondary color which is the button's text color. You can choose either Normal or Hover state. 
  6. Typography - Tweak the typography options for the button's text 

Set the settings for the Advanced Tab that is appropriate for the element.  

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