Price Table Element

Pricing tables are especially substantial for WordPress sites that intend to sell courses, packages, or any other service. You would want to make the whole experience more user-friendly and convince them on taking the final step which is buying your product.

Content Tab 


  1. Title - Here type in the title of the Price Table 
  2. Description - Here type in the description for the Price Table 


  1. Currency Symbol - Type in the currency of the product 
  2. Price - Set the price for the item 
  3. Currency Format - Type in the currency format for the item 
  4. Sale - Switch the handle on to show the item on sale. If you choose to leave it on, you can set the original price as well. 
  5. Period - Type in the period of the pricing 


You can add one or more items heading to your price table simply click on the Add Item button. 

Tip: You can use the [duplicate icon] and the [delete icon] to duplicate or delete items

Item Heading #
  1. Text - Type in the text for the item heading 
  2. Icon - Choose an icon for the item heading 
  3. Icon Color - Choose a color for the item heading icon 


  1. Button Text - Type in the text for the footer button 
  2. Link - Type in the URL for the button 
  3. Additional Info - Add additional information for your Price Table 


  1. Visibility - Choose to show or hide the ribbon 
  2. Title - Write down the title for the ribbon 
  3. Position - Select the ribbon position either left or right. 

Style Tab 


  1. Background Color - Set the background color for the heading 
  2. Padding - Add padding values for the heading 
  1. Color - Set the color for the title 
  2. Typography - Tweak the typography options for the title 
  1. Color - Set the color for the description 
  2. Typography - Tweak the typography options for the description


  1. Background Color - Set the background color for the pricing 
  2. Padding - Add padding values for the pricing
  3. Color - Set the color for the price 
  4. Typography - Tweak the typography options for the price
Currency Symbol
  1. Size - Set the exact size of the currency symbol 
  2. Position - Set the position for the currency symbol either Left or Right 
  3. Vertical Position - Set the vertical position for the currency symbol either Top, Middle, or Bottom 
Fractional Part
  1. Size - Set the exact size for the fractional part of the price 
  2. Vertical Position - Set the vertical position for the fractional part of the price  either Top, Middle, or Bottom
Original Price
  1. Color - Set the color for the original price 
  2. Typography - Tweak the typography options for the original price
  3. Vertical Position - Set the vertical position for the original either Top, Middle, or Bottom 
Period Part 
  1. Color - Set the color for the period of the plan  
  2. Typography - Tweak the typography options for the period of the plan 
  3. Currency Format - Set the currency format Below or Beside the period of the plan 


  1. Background Color - Set the background color for the featured items on the Price Table  
  2. Padding - Add padding values for the featured items on the Price Table  
  3. Color - Set the color for the featured items 
  4. Typography - Tweak the typography options for the featured items  
  5. Alignment - Set the alignment for the featured items either Left, Center, or Right
  6. Width - Control the exact width for the featured items on the table 
  7. Divider - Choose to have a divider between the featured items 
  8. Color - Set the color for the divider 
  9. Style - Set the style for the divider either Solid, Double, Dotted, Dashed 
  10. Weight - Set the weight of the divider 
  11. Width - Set the width for the divider 
  12. Gap - Set the gap between the featured items 


  1. Background Color - Set the background color for the footer  
  2. Padding - Add padding values for the footer  
  1. Typography - Tweak the typography options for the button's text 
  2. Text Color - Set the text color for the button
  3. Background Color - Set the background color for the button 
  4. Border Type - Set a border type for the button. If you choose one of the options available you can set its width and color 
  5. Border Radius - Set the border-radius around the button 
  6. Text Padding - Set some space around the edges of the button's text 
Additional Info
  1. Color - Set the color for the additional info text 
  2. Typography - Tweak the typography options for the additional info text 
  3. Margins - Set the margin space for the additional info text 


  1. Background Color - Set the background color for the text 
  2. Distance - Set the distance of the ribbon on the heading 
  3. Text Color - Set the color for the ribbon's text 
  4. Typography - Tweak the typography options for the ribbon's text
  5. Box Shadow - Add shadow to the ribbon 

Set the settings for the Advanced Tab that is appropriate for the element. 

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