Testimonial Carousel Element
Testimonials are great for presenting praises from customers and clients to display on your site in order to gain trust among your visitors. Just like any other widget included in our theme, testimonials too can be adjusted to match your style. You can choose to add an image, change the size of it, to add name and title, image position, and alignment. Also, you have full control over the style of the testimonials to give it your signature.
Content Tab
You can add one or more slides, just click on the Add Item button.
Item #
- Content - Here you should type in the content of the testimonial
- Image - Set an image
- Name - Set the name of the customer that's providing the testimonial
- Title - Type in the position of the customer that's providing the testimonial
- Layout - Set the layout of the testimonial either Image Inline, Image Stacked, Image Above, Image Left, Image Right
- Slides per View - Select how many slides you want per one view
- Slides per Scroll - Decide how many slides will scroll on the testimonial
- Alignment - Align your testimonial either Left, Center, or Right
- Width - Control the width of the testimonial and set its value
Slider Settings
- Navigation - Select navigation styles choose from Arrows & Dots, Arrows, Dots, or leave it None if you do not wish to add navigation.
- Infinite Loop - Switch the handle on to have your testimonials slide infinitely
- Pause on Hover - Have the slides be paused when the mouse hovers over them
- Autoplay - Have the slides be rotated automatically and set the speed
- Transition - You can set the transition of the slides as Slides or Fade
- Transition Speed - Set the time it will take for the slides to rotate
Styles Tab
- Background Color - Set the background color for the testimonial slide
- Border Type - Choose to add a border for the testimonial slide, select one from the options available such as Solid, Double, Dotted, Dashed, or Groove
- Padding - Set the padding between the edges of the content and the slides
- Gap - Set the gap between the testimonial content and the name
- Text Color - Set the text color for the content
- Typography - Tweak the typography options for the content
- Text Color - Set the text color for the name
- Typography - Tweak the typography options for the name
- Text Color - Set the text color for the title
- Typography - Tweak the typography options for the title
- Size - Set the size of the image
- Border Size - Set the border size
- Border Type - Select a border type either Solid, Double, Dotted, Dashed, or Groove
- Border Radius - Set the border-radius to make the edges rounder
- Border Color - Set a color for the border
Choose either Normal or Hover state for the arrows
- Icon - Set an icon for the arrows, choose from the library or upload one
- Position - Set the arrow Inside or Outside the slides
- View - Choose the display of the arrows either Default, Stacked, or Framed
- Style - Style the arrows, if you choose either Stacked or Framed you can set the size the padding, and the border-radius.
Choose either Normal or Hover state for the dots.
- Position - Set the arrow Inside or Outside the slides
- Alignment - Set the alignment for the dots to either be Left, Center, or Right. \
- Color - Set the color of the dots
- Border Color - Set the color of the dots' filling
- Style - Set the padding, border-radius, border width, and determine the space between the dots.
Set the settings for the Advanced Tab that is appropriate for the element.