Nav Menu Element
The Nav Menu element will allow you to style and customize the menus you've created on WordPress giving your visitors graceful navigation throughout your entire website. Haven them wander around your site with exceptionally designed nav menus. To start customizing your menu drag the Nav Menu element onto the page.
Content Tab
- Menu - Select the menu you want to customize, the list will appear on the dropdown menu
- Layout - Select the menu layout to either be Horizontal, Vertical, or Mobile Dropdown. The latter layout option will appear a hamburger menu that's basically a navigation element used to switch between the menu or nav bar while being folded behind the icon or output on the screen.
- Align - Place the navigation menu either Left, Center, Right, or Strech across the page.
- Pointer - Add a pointer for the nav menu elements.
- Animation - Add animation for the pointer
- Submenu Indicator - Choose the icon for when a menu item contains a submenu. You can select either Classic, Chevron, Angle, or Plus.
Mobile Dropdown
- Breakpoint - Set the breakpoint where the mobile menu will appear, either Mobile, Tablet, or None.
- Full Width - Decide whether your mobile dropdown menu will stretch across the page to be full width or not.
- Toggle Align - Choose whether your toggle button will appear on the Left, Center, or Right.
Style Tab
Main Menu
- Typography - Set the typography options for the main menu
- Text Color - Set the color of the text for the main menu
- Pointer Width - Set the width of the pointer in exact values
- Horizontal Padding - Set the horizontal padding around the text of the main menu
- Vertical Padding - Set the vertical padding around the text of the main menu
- Space Between - Set the space between the menu items
- Typography - Set the typography options for the dropdown menu
- Text Color - Set the color of the text in the dropdown menu
- Background Color - Set the background color for the dropdown menu
- Border Type - Choose to add a border for the dropdown menu
- Border Radius - Set the border radius for the dropdown menu
- Box Shadow - Choose to add shadow to your dropdown menu box
- Horizontal Padding - Set the horizontal padding around the text of the dropdown menu
- Vertical Padding - Set the vertical padding around the text of the dropdown menu
- Border Type - Choose to add a border for the divider either from Solid, Double, Dotted, Dashed, or Groove
- Color - Set the color for the divider
- Border Width - Set the width of the border for the divider
- Distance - Se the distance in values between the divider the menu items
Toggle Button
- Color - Set the color for the toggle button
- Background Color - Set the background color for the toggle button
- Size - Select the precise size of the toggle button
- Border Width - Set the width of the toggle button
- Border Radius - Set the border radius of the toggle button
Set the settings for the Advanced Tab that is appropriate for the element.