Gallery Element
Showcasing your work has never been easier with Neuron Themes. The Gallery element will provide a handy and useful tool to create an exceptional display of galleries that excel in functionality and design.
Content Tab
Layout Tab
- Type - Choose the type of gallery display to either be Single or Multiple. The Multiple option will provide a filterable gallery display
- Add Images - Add your gallery images here, select the number of images you want to be included, and type in the title.
- Order By - You can order your gallery images either by Default or Random
- Columns - Select the number of columns you want to be shown
- Carousel - Choose to display your gallery in a carousel showcase
- Layout - Select the layout of your gallery to either be Grid, Masonry, or Metro. If you choose the Metro you can determine the column layout directly from the gallery window under Metro Column.
- Responsive Columns - This option is only available if you select the Metro Layout. This will allow you to set the number of images shown per column on tablets and mobiles.
- Image Size - Set the image size starting from Thumbnail to Custom
- Image Ratio - Set the exact ratio of the image.
- Lightbox - Switch the handle on to allow your gallery images to be shown in a lightbox
- Lightbox Details - If you leave the lightbox setting on you can select the lightbox details that be shown to either be the Title, Caption, Description, or None.
- Image Details - Choose to shoe the image details below, either the title, caption, or description.
- HTML Tag - Set the HTML tag for the image details
- Overlay - Choose to display an overlay for when the mouse hovers over the images to either be Icon or Image Details.
- Filters - Switch the handle on to enable the filters for the image gallery
- Style - Select the style of the filters to either be Normal or Dropdown
- Columns - Choose how many filters you want to be shown per column
- Filter All - Switch the handle on to enable the All filter
- String - Type in the text for the All filter
If you select the Carousel setting ON the following options will be available (red color)
Carousel Settings
- Slides Per View - Select the number of slides you want to be shown on a single view
- Slides to Scroll - Select per how many slides you want to scroll
- Carousel Settings - Tweak the settings to style the Navigation, the Infinite Loop, whether to pause on Hover, select the Autoplay, r determine the Transition Speed.
Style Tab
- Column Gap - Set the value of the gap between the columns
- Row Gap - Set the value of the gap between the rows
- Initial Animation - Set an animation for your gallery and select the delay in milliseconds
- Alignment - Set the alignment of the gallery either Left, Center, or Right
- Offset -
- Border Width - Set a border width for the image box.
- Border Radius - Make the box of the gallery to be round and determine roundness within the value.
- Padding - Set the padding within the gallery's box.
- Content Padding - You can add additional padding around the content of the gallery's box.
- Box Shadow - Choose to add a shadow around the gallery box.
- Background Color - Choose to add a background color for the gallery box.
- Border Color - Select the border color of the gallery box.
- Border Radius - Set the border-radius for the images of the gallery.
- Spacing - Set the spacing between the images
- CSS Filters - Play around with the CSS Filters to add colors and depth to your images.
- Background Type - Select the background to either be Color, Gradient, or None.
- Color - If you select Classic choose the color for the overlay background
- Spacing - Set the spacing for the hover.
- Content Padding - Set the padding for the content inside the overlay
- Active - Choose to leave the hover active
- Horizontal - Set the horizontal position of the content overlay to either be Left, Center, or Right
- Vertical - Set the vertical position of the content overlay to either be Top, Center, or Bottom.
- Icon Color - If you select the Icon Overlay here you can set the color for the icon
- Icon Size - If you select the Icon Overlay here you can set the icon size
- Color - Set the color of the galleries' title
- Typography - Tweak the typography options for the title
- Spacing - Set the spacing between the title and the content
- Color - Set the color of the caption
- Typography - Tweak the typography options for the caption of the gallery
- Spacing - Set the spacing between the caption and the content
- Color - Set the color of the galleries' description
- Typography - Tweak the typography options for the description
- Spacing - Set the spacing between the description and the caption
- Space Between - Set the space between the filters
- Spacing - Set the space between the filters and the images
- Alignment - Set the alignment for the filters either Left, Center, or Right
- Typography - Tweak the typography options for the filters
- Color - Set the color for the filters