How to Import and Export Slider from Revolution Slider

Importing and exporting slides with Slider Revolution is once again easy and straightforward. To do that

  1. Open Slider Revolution, go to WP Dashboard > Slider Revolution
  2. Here you will see all the slides you have created, hover over the thumbnail of the slide you wish to export
  3. A popup will appear notifying that Downloading the Zip File may take a few moments
  4. Click on Yes Export Slider. Once the downloading has finished, you will have the zip. file of your slider installed on your computer 

How to Import Slider with Slider Revolution 

  1. Open Slider Revolution, go to WP Dashboard > Slider Revolution
  2. At the top of the page, you will notice four blocks, one of them being Manual Import, click on it
  3. Choose the zip file of the slider you wish to import from your computer 
  4. Once you've selected the .zip file, then the importing process will begin
  5. You will be able to see your slider imported on the Slider Revolution interface 

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