Types of Form Fields

From the Form Field, you can choose from various options available

  1. Text - This can be a simple text field 
  2. Email - This option is available for email types. The feature will include email validation as well.
  3. Text Area - This is a text area type from where you can set the number of columns 
  4. URL - Website URL field 
  5. Tel - Telephone number area field 
  6. Radio - This is a radio type with which you can set an inline list for a horizontal style. Each label and value should be differentiated with a | 
  7. Select - This offers you the possibility to present a dropdown menu within the form. It can be set for multiple selections. 
  8. Checkbox - You can set a checkbox for the users to check one or more boxes. 
  9. Acceptance - Add an acceptance box for the user to accept. 
  10. Number - This is a number type of field. 
  11. Date - Set a date to your form 
  12. Time - Add a time picker for your form 
  13. File Upload - Choose this type of field to allow users to upload files to your form 
  14. Password - Add a password field 
  15. HTML - Add an HTML field 
  16. Hidden - Add a hidden field that can be hidden to the users, but visible to the administrator. 
  17. reCAPTCHA - Add a reCAPTCHA to verify the user is not a robot. 
  18. reCAPTCHA V3 - Add a reCAPTCHA V3 to verify the user is not a robot.
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