How to Create Content Lock Popup

A content lock popup will allow users to prevent from engaging with the page unless they click on a specific button that's integrated within the popup. They can be especially effective in growing your email list, getting your content shared with a broader audience, or for any specific reason, you apply this type of popup. A content lock popup should resonate with your site's goals and its aim should be to increase conversion. That is why you must high-value content when creating a content lock popup, in order to make the visitors keen on unlocking the popup. 

Create and Build the Popup

  1. From the WordPress Dashboard > Templates > Popup
  2. Click on Add New and name your template 
  3. Once you click Create Template you will be redirected to the stunning library of pre-made popup templates that you can insert with just a click, or you can always start from scratch.  

Popup Settings


  1. Set the desired Width for the Popup
  2. Set the Vertical and Horizontal Position to Center 
  3. Close Button - Switch the handle ON to hide the close button 
  4. From the Style Tab, configure the close button settings to your likings 

Add the content for the Popup 

  1. Add a heading element and the elements you feel are needed for this popup
  2. Add a button to close the popup as it will be the only component that unlocks the content
  3. Stylize and design the elements to match your needs
  4. Click on the [cog icon] located at the bottom toolbar to open the Popup Settings 

Popup Settings > Advanced Tab

  1. Prevent Closing on Overlay - ON 
  2. Prevent closing on ESC key - ON

This will make sure only the button will trigger the popup to close. 

Edit the Button 

  1. Under Link, click on the database barrel icon to dynamically connect the button and the popup. From the dropdown menu select popup.
  2. Next click on the wrench icon and under action choose Close Popup.
  3. Slide the Don't Show again option ON 

Publish the Popup

Depending on the goal of your content lock popup, after you are done designing and building your popup, you can assign the Condition, Triggers, and Advanced Rules based on the objectives of the popup. 

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