Dynamic Colors (ACF)
Dynamic Content is content that's pulled from the web or from current pages. Besides numeric and text input you can add dynamically set the color for any element that has a color field. Instead of creating multiple templates for each post, now you can use Dynamic Colors to create a custom color palette for each post and assign the desired colors with just a few clicks. You can create the custom palette using ACF (Advanced Custom Fields).
- First thing, you will need to create the Custom Fields.
- In Field Type choose Color Picker.
- And set the default colors to match your global theme styles.
- After creating the custom fields, go back to the element you want to dynamically set the color and click on its handle to open the Options Tab.
- Select the Style Tab.
- Click on the dynamic icon next to the element that makes use of dynamic content (E.g Text elements, Heading)
- Next, select choose the custom field you have created.
- Moving on, from the Dynamics Tags Settings, select the custom field key that is going to be used. Choose the same of the custom field you have created (E.g. Heading color)
- That should be it, the colors you have selected from the custom fields will transfer to your new post dynamically.