Advanced Color Picker
The Advanced Color Picker is a rich and vibrant tool that will turn your website into a beautiful parade of colors. Feel free to use it in your text, background hover, border, or anywhere where color is due. You can save your favorite colors, for quick access and change the transparency level to reduce hue.
Pick a color
- Choose a color from the rainbow color wheel available
- Select the shade of the color to e darker or lighter
- Choose the color transparency from the transparency wheel
Manage the color
With the Advanced Color Picker, you can add, switch or delete color for the managing bar that grants you quick access to your palette
Add your favorite colors to the bar
- Pick your preferred color from the Color Picker
- Once you have chosen it, click on the [plus icon] to add that color to the manage bar
Delete color from the bar
- If you want to have a color deleted from the bar, to maintain only the primary colors of your palette, left-click on the color and hold the button mouse
- Drag the color down a little and you will see the trash bin appear, throw it in the bin to delete the color.
Coordinate your colors in the bar
- If you have a little OCD, then this is going to thrill you, you can arrange the colors based on a particular order you wish to be
- Grab the colors to drag and drop them into the managing bar to arrange them as needed.